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Events and Interviews


Saturday, March 15 -- 3-5 pm BERKELEY, Pardon This Intrusion series launch of Edith Friedman's chapbook Reconstruction. With Edith Friedman, Berkeley Youth Poet Laureate Anita Marie Julca, and Rooja Mohassessy. 2727 California Street.


Sunday, June 1--BROOKLYN, NEW YORK, A Persistance of Cormorants series hosted by Gerald Wagner. Details TBA.


Thursday, July 17--6 pm SAN FRANCISCO. Reading from the California Fire & Water anthology edited by Molly Fisk. Main Library. Details TBA.


August--ZOOM, Inflectionist Review Reading series. Details TBA.



Wesnesday August 14, 5 pm (PT) ZOOM, Words With You hosted by Robbi Nester. Followed by open mic.

Tuesday August 13, 7pm, MODESTO, Second Tuesday Poetry hosted by the Modesto-Stanislaus Poetry Center and Stella Beratis, with Lenore Weiss.  Bookish Modesto, 81 W. Roseburg. Followed by open mic.


Saturday July 27th, 2-3 PM, BERKELEY with Marin Poetry Center Summer Traveling Show. Fellow readers: Judy Juanita, Judy Bertelsen, Jeanne Wagner, and Carol Dorf. South Berkeley Public Library, 1901 Russell Street.


Thursday, April 18, SANTA ROSA, 7-8:15 Friends House,684 Benicia Drive. With Lucille Lang Day


Tuesday, March 19, MILL VALLEY LIBRARY, 6:30 pm, Marin Poetry Center reading hosted by Francesca Bell. With Sally Ashton and Amy Glynn.


Tuesday, January 9,  2024, SANTA CRUZ, 7 p.m. reading with poet Rebecca Foust at Bookshop Santa Cruz, presented by The Hive Live! 1520 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz


Some  of these readings and interviews were recorded. I've added the links to those audio or video recordings after the event.




Tuesday, January 10, 7 pm PST--ZOOM kickoff for Modesto Stanislaus Poetry Center 2023 reading series. Reading with Brad Buchanan, Sacramento State/CSUS English professor and poet. Tuesday, January 10, 7 pm--ZOOM kickoff for Modesto Stanislaus Poetry Center 2023 reading series. Reading with Brad Buchanan, Sacramento State/CSUS English professor and poet.


Saturday, February 4, 11 am PT-- ZOOM for Verse Virtual Poetry, hosted by Robbi Nester. Reading with Cynthia Atkins and Irving Feldman. View the RECORDING here:Irving Feldman, Cynthia Atkins, and Susan Cohen


Sunday, February 5, 6 p.m.--SAN FRANCISCO for the Bazaar Writers Salon hosted by Peter Kline. Bazaar Cafe, 5927 California St, San Francisco
Readings by Susan Cohen, Josh Riedel, Dan Waldman, and Ken Weisner.


Thursday, February 16, 7:15 p.m.--SANTA ROSA with Gail Rudd Entrekin, Friends House, 684 Benicia St.


Sunday, February 26, 3 p.m.--LIVERMORE, Verse on the Vine, hosted by Livermore Poet Laureate Peggy Schimmelman. Reading with Francesca Bell. SPARC Theater, 2172 Railroad Avenue.

March 8-11--SEATTLE, book signing events at AWP conference bookfair.


Monday, April 3, 6:15 pm--PETALUMA feature for Rivertown Poets with poet Corey Weinstein, hosted by Sande Anfang. Aqus Cafe, 189 H Street. Also online. Recorded for YouTube


Wednesday, April 13, DAVIS --interviewed along with Julia Levine for Dr. Andy's Poetry and Technology Hour radio and podcast. Listen here: Dr. Andy's podcast


Thursday, April 20, 7 pm--DAVIS, Poetry in Davis with Julia Levine. John Natsoulas Gallery rooftop.


Sunday, May 21, 3:30 pm--MILL VALLEY, Waldscraft Bakery, 31 Sunnyside Ave. Celebrating Poets for Science, along with Rebecca Foust, Erin Rodoni, Lucille Lang Day and others participating in brief pop-up readings throughout the afternoon presented by Marin Poetry Center.


Saturday, June 10, 4 pm--SACRAMENTO, for Sacramento Poetry Alliance, hosted by Tim Kahl. A celebration of translation, reading poems by Yiddish poet Rajzel Zychlinsky. With Terry Ehret and John Johnson reading translations of Uruguayan poet Ulalume González de Leόn. 1169 Perkins Way.


Sunday, June 11, 3pmPST/6pmEST--ZOOM, 2nd Sunday Reading Series curated by Siân Killingsworth. Reading with Amanda Moore and Chloe Martinez. Advanced registration required. RECORDED here: YouTube


Monday, October 2, 7:30 pm, SACRAMENTO Poetry Center. Reading with poet and psychoanalyst Susan Flynn. Followed by open mic. 1719 25th Street, Sacramento.




Sunday, August 14- 8 pm, (SANTA CRUZ) radio KSKD 90.7 FM, The Hive Poetry Collective, interviewed with Rebecca Foust by Dion O'Reilly. Listen to the podcast afterwards here


Saturday, October 8, 4 pm--AUBURN, featured reader for Silver Tongue Saturdays reading and open mic hosted by West Trestle Review. City Hall, 1225 Lincoln Way. View the whole event afterwards on YouTube here


Friday, October 14-5 pm, ZOOM reading with Rebecca Foust for Zoom Forward, Santa Cruz. Link available on Santa Cruz Writes here


Saturday, October 15, 12 pm--BERKELEY, Watershed Environmental Festival hosted by Poetry Flash, Civic Center Park, main stage. Along with Robert Hass, Forrest Gander, Caroline Goodwin, and many others.


Tuesday, October 18, 6-7 pm--SAUSALITO, Sausalito Books by the Bay. Reading with Andrena Zawinski and Jeanne Wagner. 100 Bay Street.


Thursday, Oct 20, 7 pm--MILL VALLEY. I will be reading a Yiddish translation for Marin Poetry Center's Evening of Translation featuring Olivia Sears (Italian) and Nancy J. Morales and Terry Ehret (Spanish). Mill Valley Public Library, 375 Throckmorton Ave., Creekside Room.


November. DMQ Virtual Salon. A five-minute video in which I read some poems from Democracy of Fire: view here


Saturday, November 12, 2 pm--CORTE MADERA, Book Passage, with Rebecca Foust. 51 Tamal Vista Boulevard.


Sunday, November 13, 2-4 pm LAUNCH reading and celebration-BERKELEY, with Rebecca Foust, Art House Gallery & Cultural Center, 2905 Shattuck (between Russell and Ashby). Masks. (Please note the change of venue from Jered's Pottery).


Saturday, November 19, 4 pm EST (1 pm PST)--ZOOM reading on the Broadstone Stage, with fellow Broadstone Books authors Ann Lauinger and Alison Palmer. To get the ZOOM link, register at: Broadstone Books






Cancelled.Sunday, March 15, 3pm. SANTA BARBARA. Blue Whale Poetry Series, Unity of Santa Barbara Church, 227 East Arrellaga St. Featured along with Massachusetts poet Cammy Thomas. Followed by open mic.

Cancelled. April 1, SAN FRANCISCO. University of San Francisco, with other contributors to a new climate change anthology edited by Molly Fisk: California Fire and Water.


Cancelled, Sunday, April 19, 2pm. PLEASANTON. Towne & Center Books. Reading with other contributors to a new climate change anthology: California Fire and Water.



Saturday, September 15, PETALUMA. Petaluma Poetry Walk. 4 pm, Phoenix Theater, 201 Washington St. With other readers from Fire and Rain: Ecopoetry of California anthology.


Tuesday, July 9, 6 pm BERKELEY, North Berkeley Library, for the Marin Poetry Center Summer Traveling Show, with Jeanne Wagner, Robert Eastwood, Maggie Morley, and Raffi Del Bourgo.


Thursday, May 16, 7:30 p.m.SAN RAFAEL, Marin Poetry Center Falkirk Cultural Center
1408 Mission Ave. Reading from the Sixteen Rivers Anthology: America, We Call Your Name;Poems of Resistance and Resilience. Readers: Susan Cohen, Janet Jennings, Meryl Natchez, Prartho Sereno, Joe Zaccardi
Introduced by Murray Silverstein


April 7, 5-7, BENICIA, Poetry Inside Out First Sunday Poetry Series, Bookshop Benincia, 636 First Street. Featured reader, followed by open mic.


March 28, 9 am, PORTLAND, AWP panel on Contemporary Jewish American Poetry, reading with other poets in the Bloomsbury Anthology of Contemporary Jewish American Poetry: Matthew Silverman, Philip Terman, Patty Seyburn, and Lisa Gluskin Stonestreet..


March 6, 7 pm, ALAMEDA, with Sharon Coleman and Angela Chung for the Alameda Island Poets. Frank Bette Center, 1601 Paru Street at Lincoln.




October 13, 7-9 pm, ALAMEDA, Frank Bette Center for the Arts Poetry and Prose series, 1601 Paru St. with Kathleen McClung.


October 20, 8-9 pm, SAN FRANCISCO, LIT CRAWL, with editors and other contributors to "Fire and Rain: Ecopoetry of California, a new anthology from Scarlet Tanager Press. Needles &Pens, 1173 Valencia Street. With Lucille Lang Day, Jack Foley, Dave Holt, Sangye Land, and Ruth Nolan.


November 3, invited speaker at the annual Ina Coolbrith Circle luncheon.


Dec. 6, 7 9.m., OAKLAND, Octopus Literary Salon cafe, Panedemonium Press reading series. With other poets and prose writers on the theme of "Noir; Nighthawks."




Friday, September 14, 7:00 PM, BERKELEY, reading from Sixteen Rivers Press post-Trump anthology: "America, We Call Your Name," with Janet Jennings, Julia Levine, Carolyn Miller, and Meryl Natchez. Introduced by Murray Silverstein. Mrs. Dalloway's Books, Berkeley 2904 College Ave, Berkeley, CA


Sunday, September 9, 3-4:30 p.m., BERKELEY, The Dream Institute, 1672 University Avenue. $10-25 donation. Reading plus discussion of the poetic process and open mic.


April 28, PENNGROVE (Sonoma County), The Sitting Room, with fellow poets from Know Me Here--an Anthology of Poetry by Women, hosted by Gwynn O'Gara.


April 17, ALBANY, reading celebrating poetry month at the Albany Library. Hosted by Rebecca Black.


Sunday, Feb. 18, 3:00 p.m., OAKLAND. Nine contributors to "Know Me Here: An Anthology of Poetry by Women," edited by Katherine Hastings. The Poetry Flash series at East Bay Booksellers (formerly Diesel), 5433 College Ave. Complete list of readers: Susan Cohen, Lucille Lang Day, Miriam Bird Greenberg, Judy Halebsky, Elizabeth C. Herron, Mary Mackey, Connie Post, Julia Vose, Laura Walker, and Kathleen Winter.


Wednesday, January 3. OAKLAND. Pandemonium Press reading on the theme On The Road Again. With Lenore Weiss, Sandra Wassilie, and Sara McAulay. Octopus Literary Salon. 2101 Webster St. 7 pm. Free. Open Mic. Food and wine menu.


January 10, MODESTO, Modesto-Stanislaus Poetry Center's Second Tuesday Series at the Barkin' Dog Grill. 6 pm.

February 7, OAKLAND, Pandemonium Press presents "Love," with Amos White, Susan Browne, and Rafael Jesus Gonzalez. Spice Monkey loft, 1628 Webster St. 6:30-9 pm.

March 14, SAN JOSE, San Jose Poetry Center's Well/RED series, with Lisa Allen Ortiz at Works/San Jose, 365 S. Market St. 7 pm.

April 3, PETALUMA, Rivertown Poets, with Rafael Block, followed by open mic. Aqus Cafe, 189 H Street. 6:15-8:30 pm

April 15, SAN FRANCISCO. Rolling Writers presents Let's Jew It! at Rolling Out Cafe. 6-8 pm.

April 27, SAN FRANCISCO, an evening of poems about Forgotten Women. Artisans of SF, Irving Street at 27th Ave. With Kathleen McClung and others. 7pm

May 21, BERKELEY. Expressions Gallery. With Mary Curtis. 3 pm

September 10, LOS ANGELES area, Rattle Reading Series, Flintridge Bookstore, 1010 Foothill Blvd, La Canada. With Ananda Lima. 5 pm.

September 23, SEBASTOPOL, Word Temple series, with other contributors to "Know Me Here," an anthology of poetry by women edited by Katherine Hastings. details tba.

October 4, SAN FRANCISCO, Sacred Grounds Cafe. 2095 Hayes@Cole. Followed by open mic. 7 pm

Nov. 12, SAN FRANCISCO, Jewish Library, with Lenore Weiss and Joel Katz. 1-30 pm.

Nov. 18, SAN RAFAEL, Rebound Bookstore. With other contributors to the new issue of Spillway Journal.

Friday, December 8, BERKELEY: Last Word Reading Series at Nefeli Caffe. With Andrena Zawinski. 1854 Euclid Avenue, a little north of Hearst. There is also an open reading.

2016 Readings for "A Different Wakeful Animal"

September 11, 2-3:30 pm, SAN FRANCISCO, Bird & Beckett Books, 653 Chenery St., with CHANA BLOCH


September 26, 7:30-9 pm, SACRAMENTO, Sacramento Poetry Center hosted by Tim Kahl, 1719 25th St,, with SUSAN KELLY-DeWITT


September 28, 7-9 pm SAN RAFAEL, Rebound Bookstore Hand to Mouth/Words Spoken Out series,1611 4th St., with TERRY LUCAS.


Sepember 29, 7:30 to 9:30 pm SAN RAFAEL, Falkirk Center, 1408 Mission St., Celebration of New Books with the many other Marin Poetry Center members who published books this year.


October 4, 6:30-9 pm, OAKLAND, Pandemonium Press Presents at the Spice Monkey loft hosted by Leila Rae, 1628 Webster St., "The Visible World" with MK CHAVEZ, RAFAEL JESUS GONZALEZ, and AMOS WHITE


October 9, 4-6 pm, SAN FRANCISCO, Gears Turning Poetry Series hosted by Kim Shuck at Modern Times Book Store. 2919 24th St., with DAN BRADY and DAN RAPHAEL


December 11, 3 pm, CROCKETT, Second Sunday Poetry Series hosted by Connie Post at the Valona Deli, 1323 Pomona St., with LYNNE KNIGHT

"Throat Singing" available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Powell's


Sunday June 12, 3 pm OAKLAND. Launch of "A Different Wakeful Animal" at Diesel Books, under auspices of Poetry Flash, and with Catherine Abbey Hodges, author of "Instead of Sadness." 5433 College Avenue. Free. Refreshments.

Thursday July 28, 7-8:30 pm PETALUMA Copperfield's Books, Marin Poetry Center Summer Traveling Show.With David Glick, Roy Mash, Meryl Natchez, and Jeanne Wagner. 140 Kentucky Street. Free.

May 8, 2-4 pm, LIVERMORE. Ravenswood Poetry Series, 2657 Arroyo Road. With Dennis Maloney, poet and publisher of White Pine Press.The event is $5.00 for admission. Light refreshments are served.

March 31, 5:30 pm, LOS ANGELES. The Stockingframe bar and restaurant. Reading with other WordTech authors attending AWP.


November 11, 7:30 pm, OAKLAND. Temple Sinai with poet and Poetry Flash editor Richard Silberg.

July 11, 5pm, OAKLAND. Poetry reading for West Trestle Review as part of BEAST CRAWL, an evening of multiple literary events at various venues. Pican restaurant, 2295 Broadway.

July 19, 3pm. BERKELEY, Pegasus Books Downtown (2349 Shattuck Avenue),
Marin Poetry Center Traveling Show. With Susan Browne, Roy Mash, Robert Sward, Catherine Clark-Sayles, and Robert McNally.

April 25, 1-2 pm at Berkeley Public Library North Branch. With Meryl Natchez: a National Poetry Month celebration of Berkeley in poetry.

Sunday, Nov. 23, 3-5pm, BERKELEY-- A reading with Kathleen McClung and other Bay Area contributors to the 2014 award issue of the Atlanta Review, including Rafaella Del Bourgo, Carol Frith, Meryl Natchez, Margaret Stawowy, and past contributors Rachel Dacus, Roy Mash, and Jeanne Wagner. Special appearance by Dan Veach, Editor & Publisher.Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists. 1924 Cedar Street.

Saturday, Oct. 11, 1:45-2:45pm, SAN RAFAEL -- Litquake -- San Rafael Litcrawl reading titled "Small Miracles" with Chana Bloch and hosted by Christina Hutchins. Open Secret Bookstore, 923 C Street.

July 17, 7:30 pm, BERKELEY, Moe's Books: Marin Poetry Center Traveling Show, presented by Rose Black and Poetry Flash. With Susan Browne, Rafaella Del Bourgo, Donna L. Emerson, Adam David Miller, and Jeanne Wagner.

June 10, 7 pm, ALBANY, Second Tuesday series at the Albany Library. An evening celebrating Robert Frost with my fabulous writing group: Susan Browne, Rebecca Foust, Roy Mash, and Jeanne Wagner reading Frost and our own poems, followed by an open-mic.

May 4, 3 pm, OAKLAND, Diesel Books for Poetry Flash with other contributors to the Bloomsbury Anthology of Contemporary Jewish American Poetry: Lisa Gluskin Stonestreet, Lucille Lang Day, Julia Levine, Colleen McKee, Melissa Stein, and Matthew Zapruder.

April 17, 2014, 7 pm, OAKLAND, Laurel Book Store 4100 MacArthur Blvd. With poets Grace Grafton and Sharon Coleman, and singer-songwriter Rich Mertes.

April 10,2014, 7 pm, SAUSALITO, Why There Are Words series with other contributors to the Bloomsbury Anthology of Contemporary Jewish American Poetry: Lisa Gluskin Stonestreet, Lucille Lang Day, Colleen McKee, Melissa Stein, Lee Slonimsky, and Julia Levine.

March 15, 7pm, SEBASTOPOL, WordTemple poetry series at the Sebastopol Center for the Arts, with Clive Matson and Roy Mash.

Feb. 28, 2014, 4:30 pm, SEATTLE, AWP conference panel Poets With a Press Pass along with: Tina Kelley, Don Colburn, Dana Goodyear, Eliza Griswold.

Jan. 19, 2014, 2 p.m., SAN FRANCISCO, Bird & Beckett Books with other contributors to the Bloomsbury Anthology of Contemporary Jewish American Poetry: Lisa Gluskin Stonestreet, Lucille Lang Day, Melissa Stein, Colleen McKee, and Julia Levine.

July 18, 2013: BERKELEY -- Poetry Flash presents Marin Poetry Center's Summer Traveling Show, featuring poets Zara Raab, Susan Cohen, Connie Post, David Alpaugh, Adrienne Amundsen, Joan Stepp Smith, hosted by Rose Black and Richard Silberg, wheelchair accessible, Moe's Books, 2476 Telegraph Avenue, Berkeley, 7:30

July 9, 2013: SANTA CRUZ -- Poetry Santa Cruz, 7:30 PM, Bookshop Santa Cruz with poet David Allen Sullivan.

Saturday, April 27: ALAMEDA -- Fourth Saturday poetry series, Frank Bette Center for the Arts, with Kathleen McClung.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013: BERKELEY -- 7:30 - 9 pm, Lyrics&Dirges series, Pegasus Books on Shattuck Ave.March 20, 2013 Lyrics & Dirges. Reading with: Blake C. Aarens, Mary J. Dacorro,Scott Hoshida, and Melissa Stein

Sunday, March 3, 2013: SANTA CRUZ, The Poetry Show, 9-10 PM KUSP 88.9 (Central California Public Radio) Podcast.

Friday, March 8, 2013: BOSTON -- 9-10:15 am,with other WordTech poets Shelby Allen, Joey Nicoletti, Angela Alaimo O'Donnell, and J.D. Smith, during the AWP conference. Alice Hoffman Book Fair Stage, Exhibit Hall D, Level 2.

Feb. 19, 2013: ALBANY, California-- Albany Library Third Tuesday 7-9pm, with Zara Raab.

Jan. 21, 2013: BERKELEY -- featured reader Poetry Express at Priya Restaurant, Shattuck Ave.

Dec. 13, 2012. 3:30-5 pm: OAKLAND, Lake Merritt Hotel for Turning a Train of Thought Upside Down anthology, along with Grace Grafton, Antoinette Constable, and Jeanne Wagner.

Nov. 13, 2012. 6 pm: MODESTO, Barkin' Dog Grill Second Tuesday Poetry series featured reader with Stella Beratlis.

Oct. 18, 7:30 pm, SAN RAFAEL, Falkirk Center: with the many contributors to the Marin Poetry Center annual anthology.

Oct. 21, 2012. 2 pm: VENICE, CA, Beyond Baroque. Reading including "If You're Reading This, You Might be a Baboon," which won honorable mention in their national contest, plus other poems.

Sept. 11, 2012. 7pm: PETALUMA, Petaluma Arts Center, with the Marin Poetry Center Summer Traveling Show

Sept. 30, 2012: OAKLAND, Kim Addonizio's poetry salon featured reader

Aug. 18 --Book Passage, CORTE MADERA, LEFT COAST WRITERS BOOK LAUNCH: Turning a Train of Thought Upside Down: An Anthology of Women’s Poetry

July 14, 2012: OAKLAND -- 2-4 pm, Lakeview library, with other women poets in Turning a Train of Thought Upside Down anthology

July 18, 2012: DAVIS -- 5:30 pm --interview, Dr. Andy’s Poetry and Technology Hour on radio station KDVS 90.3 heard live.

Monday, April 23, 2012 --SACRAMENTO, Sacramento Poetry Center with Jeanne Wagner

Sunday, May 13, 2012 -- Valona Deli in CROCKETT with Melissa Stein

Saturday, March 31, 2012 -- Rebound Books in SAN RAFAEL with Lenore Weiss

Thursday, March 29, 2012 -- Poetry Flash series at Moe's Books in BERKELEY with Rebecca Foust, followed by launch party!

Tues. August 9, 2011
7:00 PM

A reading with five other poets who are part of the Marin Poetry Center Summer Traveling Show. Always fun.

Pelican Art Gallery
143 Petaluma Blvd., North Petaluma
(707) 773-3393

Join me in Novato, May 9, 7pm

I'll be featured reader. Open mic follows.
Poetry Farm in Novato takes place at Dr. Insomnia's. (see flyer)

Recent Poetry Events

Second Tuesdays at the Albany Library is a wonderful poetry series. I read there on Feb. 8 with poet Rebecca Foust.


I read in Mendocino's Gallery Bookshop and Cheshire Books in Ft. Bragg on Dec. 4 and 5 along with others from the new anthology "Mamas and Papas: On the Sublime and Heartbreaking Art of Parenting" (San Diego: City Works Press.) This anthology of short essays and poetry gets to the heart of raising youngsters, (or not) from many perspectives. For more information about these free author events, please call Gallery Books at 937-2665 or Cheshire Bookshop at 964-5918.

National Association of Science Writers 2010 Book Award!

We will be receiving the Science in Society Award for "Normal at Any Cost" from the national science writers association on Nov. 7 at Yale University.


One of the judges cited the book's "excellent and in-depth reportage, interestingly and breezily written, on an important (and to me, overlooked) medical/scientific issue. It has pretty much everything I look for: attention to the scientific process, human interest, a strong and consistent narrative."


March 31 -- Kenneth R. Crispell Memorial History lecture at the University of Virginia Medical Center.

February 6 issue of The Lancet includes the essay we were asked to write based on "Normal at Any Cost."

Sept.-Oct. for "Normal at Any Cost"

October 19, segment on the Dr. Nancy Snyderman show, MSNBC, about the increasing use of growth hormone for height.

Sunday, October 18, interviewed for a New York Post story about Upper East Side parent who sued her insurer to continue growth hormone treatment for her 16-year-old son, now 5'7".

UPI columnist writes about the increasing acceptance of tall women, and includes an anecdote from "Normal at Any Cost." St. Louis Post Dispatch.

October 4, 6 pm, The Barbara Simpson Show on KSFO radio, San Francisco.

September: ABC.com health and Cookiemagazine.com (an online Conde Nast magazine for young parents) both wrote about the increasing use of growth hormone for healthy kids and featured "Normal at Any Cost."

July-August For "Normal at Any Cost":

Chris and I answered questions online (July 28-Aug 4) as "consultants," in response to the New York Times Science section review of our book. See link to the review. (Hint, the NYT called Normal at Any Cost "irresistible").

Patt Morrison show, So. Cal NPR, July 8 2-2:40 pm

July selection for the Women's Bioethics Project Book Club.

Q and A in Bay Area Parent Silicon Valley, July issue.

"Show and Tell" at Knight Fellowship reunion, Stanford University.

(Some of these are archived and available online -- check Quick Links on the right of this page for a few)

RADIO interviews for "Normal at Any Cost":

February 28 -- Science Fantastic, an hour with host Dr. Michio Kaku, aired on 125 commercial stations nationally.
CoasttoCoastam radio - three hours live with host Ian Punnett
March 9, WCBQ-WHNC AM, Oxford, North Carolina
March 9, Morning Show, WGVU Radio, Grand Rapids, Michigan (NPR)
March 10, Open Mind, WGVU radio (taped to air later)
March 11, An Evening With..., KCBX Public Radio, San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara (also archived as podcast)
March 13, Strategies for Living, clear channel, LA, AK, and TX
March 18, Ian Punnett and Margery Show, FM 107.1 Minneapolis
Morning Edition, KVON Radio, Napa
March 19, Let's Talk, Northeast Indiana Public Radio
March 24, WJBC, Bloomington, Ill.
March 25, Conversations with Joy Carlin, Wisconsin Public Radio
March 30, The Round Table, WAMC, National Public Radio, Albany NY
April 7 Voice of America Radio, International
April 7 Parent Talk, KWMR Marin County
May 26 Nisha on Health, Medford Oregon
June 12, Faith Middleton Show, Connecticut NPR

TELEVISION for "Normal at Any Cost"

March 24 View from the Bay, ABC TV, San Francisco

San Francisco Chronicle
Grand Rapids Press
Los Angeles Times (Chris wrote a great op-ed)
Splice Today.com
DES Action Voice
New England Journal of Medicine (June 18)

Biopolitical Times
Psychology Today, Genetics Crossroad blog 6/3
Disability News

Bay Area appearances for "Normal at Any Cost."

Friday, March 20 -- Launch! Mrs. Dalloway's bookstore reading and signing. 2904 College Avenue, Berkeley. 7:30 pm.

Thursday, April 2 -- Stanford Bookstore reading and signing. Stanford University campus. 6 pm.

Poetry readings:


November 8, 2009. Poetry Flash has asked me to join Marilyn Kallet for a reading at Diesel books, 5433 College Avenue, Oakland. 510-653-9965

Tue Jun 30, 07:30 PM Dance Palace,503 B Street, Pt. Reyes Station, Marin Poetry Center Summer Traveling Show.

Thursday, March 12. West Portal Bookstore, along with other members of the Women's National Book Authors Association. 7 pm.

Other events:

Sunday, March 15. Author's panel, UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism alumni weekend. Northgate Hall, UC Berkeley. 11:30 am - 12.30.


Thursday August 26, 7 to 9:30pm
Kehilla Community Synagogue, Fireside Room
1600 Grand Avenue
Piedmont, CA (diagonally across from ACE Hardware)

Poets scheduled to read are:

Chana Bloch
Susan Cohen
Diane Elliot
Stewart Florsheim
Terry Gruenwald
Linda Hirschhorn
Alison Luterman
Richard Miles
Norma Smith
Elaine Starkman
Hedy Straus

Finishing Line Press Celebrates Its Authors at Rebound Bookstore, Hosted by Poet Rebecca Foust
Saturday, July 10 4:00p to 6:00p
at Rebound Bookstore, San Rafael, CA

Rebound Bookstore, the downtown San Rafael bookstore which caters to readers of all genres, will host a special event to celebrate Finishing Line Press poets SUSAN COHEN, Iris Dunkle, Donna Emerson, Katherine Hastings, Kirsten Neff, Connie Post, Zara Raab, Dian Duchin Reed, Peter Weltner, and Toni Wilkes. The event will be emcee’d by Rebecca Foust.